Lists as sequences

Return the length of {\it list\/}.
...LENGTH '(A B C)) &$\Longrightarrow$\ & 3
\end{tabular} \end{codexenv}\end{inset}

Constructs a list which is the concatenation of {\it lists\/}.
...B C) '(D E) '(F G)) $\Longrightarrow$\ (A B C D E F G)

Destructive version of {\tt APPEND}. Splices the lists together,...
...END! '() L2) &$\Longrightarrow$\ & (D E)
\end{tabular} \end{codexenv}\end{inset}

Returns a new list whose elements are those of {\it list\/}, in ...
(REVERSE '(A B C)) $\Longrightarrow$\ (C B A)

This is a \lq\lq destructive'' version of {\tt REVERSE};
it allocates...
...e source {\it list\/}'s to form the result list.

Returns a list of {\it count\/} elements of {\it list\/},
...SUBLIST '(A B C D E F) 2 3) $\Longrightarrow$\ (C D E)